Lowrance & Simrad Store srl

Lowrance & Simrad Store srl - C.F./P.IVA IT-07089600964 - REA number 1934758
Registered office: Via Santa Sofia 22 - 20122 Milan Italy
Tel: +39.0182.87.447 - +39.0182.87.447 - info@landsyachting.com

The www.landsyachting.com site (the "Site") is the exclusive property of Lowrance & Simrad Store srl, which created it for information, communication and entertainment purposes and made available to Users.
The mark shown on the web pages of the Site including the related logotypes, figurative and slogans related to it are exclusive property of the partners; any use or reproduction of them for any purpose or by any means is expressly and strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted according to the law. All other trademarks used are the property of their respective owners.